Ideal Location

The Ideal Location for your Corporation
Heritage Center offers immediate access to inter-modal transportation capability, including short line railroad, interstates and navigable waterways. Additionally, we provide the capability to handle and move large, heavy loads. International sea-born shipments that can be received from the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River and Tombigbee Waterway. Land transport via 5-lane State Route 58 connects only 4 miles away with Interstate 40 and a general aviation airport, now in its master planning stage, is scheduled for its first flight in early 2020.
Electrical Power Supply
Heritage Center is served with robust power supply with redundancy from two different TVA substations from two different power plants.
Water Options
With both Watts Bar Lake and the Clinch River nearby, the Heritage Center provides ample water for cooling & process water supply.
Water Supply & Water Treatment
Though the Heritage Center is home to some of America’s largest corporations, our industrial water supply and wastewater treatment facility are both operating at or below 50% of capacity.
Fire Rescue
Heritage Center is served by a City of Oak Ridge fire station centrally located in the Park. The fire fighters at this station have training to respond to heavy industrial situations. There is also a paramedic unit at the station and a helicopter landing pad in the event a medical evacuation is needed.
Heritage Center offers immediate proximity to world-class technology and research capabilities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee.
Over-the-road Transport
Heritage Center lies within 4 miles of I-40 & 10 miles of I-75, offering 4-lane access (without one stop light) to the Interstate System. The East Tennessee region is the heart of the I-40/I-75/I-81 confluence.
Foreign Trade Zone
Industries within Heritage Center are eligible to operate in the Greater Knoxville Foreign Trade Zone #148 in which qualified companies may eliminate, reduce or defer US Customs duties.
The Heritage Railroad is comprised of 11.5 miles of mainline, spurs and sidings with direct connection to the Norfolk Southern rail system.
International sea-born shipments can be received from the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River and Tombigbee Waterway.
Heritage Center is located within 35 miles of Knoxville’s McGhee Tyson Airport. The Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority is currently studying the prospect of locating a general aviation airport at Heritage Center, this would allow for smaller planes to land and take off from the industrial park.
Roane County Demographics
Click the link above to learn more about the Roane County area.